Oct 19, 2014

Opium for Asthma

40% alcohol plus 3 grams of opium per tablet
Used as an analgesic and as a remedy for asthma, coughs and pneumonia

This National Vaporizer Vapor-OL (opium) Treatment no. 6 for asthma may have provided a unique method of essentially “smoking” opium. The volatile liquid was placed in a pan that was heated by a small kerosene lamp. Other substances were also used in these early (c.1890) vaporizers, but this mixture probably ensured plenty of visitors for the spasmodically affected.

 Vapo-cresolene lamps were marketed primarily to vaporize creosol-based products for the relief of head and chest congestion. However, they were also used with other products such as the opium-based asthma medicine shown above.

This advertisement is for Glyco-Heroin which was manufactured by the Martin H. Smith Company (New York).  Heroin was widely used not only as an analgesic but also as a remedy for asthma, coughs, and pneumonia. Mixing heroin with glycerin (and often adding sugar or spices) made the bitter-tasting opiate more palatable for oral consumption. (From International Medical Magazine, January, 1902.)

These Heroin tablets manufactured by The Fraser Tablet Company were marketed for the relief of asthma.

It didn't cure you... but you didn't care!

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